Midwives PuurBegin in Kampen

Verloskundigen PuurBegin - Behandelingsopties vleesbomen

All options at a glance: Treatment of fibroids

What are fibroids and how do you recognize them?

Fibroids, ook⁤ bekend als myomen of​ fibromen, ‍zijn goedaardige gezwellen⁢ die zich in of rond ⁤de ⁢baarmoeder ontwikkelen.‌ Vrouwen van elke leeftijd kunnen ze krijgen, maar ze ‍komen vaker voor bij ​vrouwen in ⁣de vruchtbare ⁤leeftijd. Het identificeren ⁢van vleesbomen is⁢ niet altijd eenvoudig ‍omdat‌ ze vaak ⁤geen duidelijke symptomen vertonen.​ Echter, sommige vrouwen ⁤ervaren specifieke klachten die ​kunnen wijzen op ⁣de aanwezigheid van vleesbomen. Bijvoorbeeld, overmatig ‍bloedverlies⁢ tijdens de‍ menstruatie,‌ pijn in de onderbuik of onderrug,​ en ⁢een ‌drukgevoel in de onderbuik zijn ⁤typische ​signalen. Ook ​problemen met​ de vruchtbaarheid kunnen een ​indicatie​ zijn.

Recognizing fibroids:

    • Heavy periods⁢ or unusually long periods of bleeding
    • Menstrual pain⁤ that is more severe than normal
    • A feeling of pressure or fullness in the lower abdomen
    • Pain during sexual intercourse

If you recognize one or more of these symptoms, it is a good idea to contact your doctor or a gynecologist. They may suggest an ultrasound to check for fibroids and to determine their size and location. Early detection can help with choosing the right treatment and can prevent further discomfort.

The most common treatments in a row

Fibroids,‍ or uterine fibroids, can cause various complaints, such as heavy periods or pain in the lower abdomen. Fortunately, there are several treatment options available to address these complaints. First and foremost, we always look at whether medication is sufficient. Medicines such as GnRH agonists can reduce the production of hormones that feed fibroids, causing them to shrink. There are also specific medications that aim to reduce bleeding during menstruation.

When medication does not have the desired effect, surgical options can be considered. A ⁤common method is myomectomy, where only the fibroids are removed⁣ and the uterus remains intact. This is an ideal option for women who still have a desire to have children have. Another⁣ possibility is uterine artery embolization (UAE), a technique in which the blood supply to the fibroid is cut off, causing it to shrink. In short, there are several paths to relief, depending on individual situations and preferences.

    • GnRH agonists: Reduces hormones that stimulate the growth of fibroids.
    • Specific menstrual reduction medications: Reduces blood loss during menstruation.
    • Myomectomy: Surgical removal of the fibroids, uterus is preserved.
    • Uterine artery embolization ⁤(UAE): Reduces ⁢the blood supply‍ to the⁢ fibroid‍ causing it to shrink.

When do you choose surgery?

Het‌ besluit om over te⁣ gaan⁢ tot​ een chirurgische‌ ingreep⁣ is niet ⁢eenvoudig. ⁢Echter, als vleesbomen leiden tot ernstige⁤ symptomen die⁣ je dagelijkse leven beïnvloeden, zoals heavy bleeding of aanhoudende ⁤pijn, kan een operatie een⁢ effectieve oplossing zijn. Bovendien, ⁣als vleesbomen snel groeien⁢ of de ‍grootte van de baarmoeder zodanig vergroten dat andere gezondheidsproblemen ⁢ontstaan, ​zoals problemen met de ​urinewegen, kan ​je⁢ specialist een ​operatie adviseren.

Options ⁤for surgical ​treatments ‌include several ⁢methods. First, myomectomy, in which fibroids are removed but the uterus remains intact, is ideal for women who want to become pregnant in the future. In addition, there is the hysterectomy, in which the entire uterus is removed, which is a permanent solution but not suitable for women who still want to have children. Each of these options has advantages and disadvantages and a detailed conversation with your doctor is crucial to making the best decision for your situation.

Therapy Preservation of ⁣uterus Suitable for those wishing to have children
Myomectomy Yes Yes
Hysterectomy No No

Choosing the right approach depends on several factors, including the severity of your symptoms, your age, and your personal and medical history. Fortunately, you don't have to make this decision alone. Our team is here to support you with information and advice, so you can make an informed choice that best suits your health and future plans.

Alternative Methods to Treat Fibroids

In addition, there are ​ alternative ⁢treatment options ‌that may be of interest‍to women who prefer not to undergo medication or surgery. These methods ‌can help reduce symptoms without the side effects that⁣sometimes occur with conventional treatments. One ⁣of⁣these methods is the ⁤use of herbal medicine, ⁣which uses plants ⁣such as Vitex, ⁣Green Tea Extract, and Turmeric for their anti-inflammatory and hormone-regulating ⁣properties.

In addition, much value is attached to a healthy lifestyle ⁤which⁣supports the ⁣body in regulating hormones and reducing inflammation. This includes:

    • Physical activity such as yoga or Pilates, which can reduce stress⁢ and improve blood circulation.
    • A diet rich in fiber and low in saturated fats may also help relieve symptoms.
    • Acupuncture is also commonly used as a method to manage pain and pressure caused by fibroids.

Additionally, ‌some​ women⁢ have found benefit from mindfulness ⁣and meditation‍ techniques that contribute to stress reduction and overall well-being.

Helpful Tips ⁤for Coping with the Symptoms of Fibroids

One of the best ways to reduce the symptoms of fibroids is to make lifestyle changes. First, it’s important to eat a balanced diet that’s high in fiber and low in red meat and processed foods. Include more fruits, vegetables, and whole grains in your meals to improve digestion and reduce inflammation. Additionally, regular exercise can also help, as it promotes better blood circulation and hormone balance, which can slow the growth of fibroids.

In addition to adjusting your diet and exercise regimen, complementary therapies may also provide relief. Examples include yoga, meditation, and acupuncture. Yoga and meditation stimulate relaxation and stress reduction, while acupuncture is used to manage pain and improve hormonal health. These alternatives can certainly be part of a holistic approach to managing the symptoms of fibroids.

    • Start a high-fiber diet to optimize hormone balance.
    • Incorporate moderate intensity activities such as swimming or cycling into your routine.
    • Try to reduce stress by using relaxation exercises such as deep breathing or progressive muscle relaxation.

It is also important to have regular medical check-ups to monitor the size and growth of your fibroids. This will help you and your doctor develop an appropriate treatment plan if your symptoms become more severe.


Hopefully, this comprehensive look at fibroid treatment options has helped you get a clearer picture of what's possible. It's important to remember that every situation is unique, and the best treatment option will depend on your specific circumstances and health. Always discuss your options thoroughly with your doctor to determine the treatment that's right for you.

At Verloskundigen PuurBegin we understand that health issues such as fibroids can raise many questions and concerns. We are here to support you with personalized care and the right information. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you would like to know more or need support. Health is a personal journey, and we are here to walk this journey with you. Good luck and stay healthy!

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Midwives PuurBegin
Address: Orkestlaan 148, 8265RC Kampen
Telephone: 085 40 19 095

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