Midwives PuurBegin in Kampen

Verloskundigen PuurBegin - Baarmoederverzakking

All about uterine prolapse: Causes and tips

What exactly is a uterine prolapse?

A uterine prolapse, medically known as a prolapse of the ‌uterus, occurs when the muscles and tissues that support the ⁢uterus ‍weaken.⁤ This can cause the ⁤uterus to slide down toward the ⁤vagina. Several factors⁤ can contribute to this⁤ condition. Common causes include ⁤ prolonged labor, ⁤ the natural aging process, decline in ⁤ estrogen after menopause, and ⁤ strenuous physical ⁤labor.

Symptoms can vary depending on the severity of the prolapse. Many women experience a feeling of pressure in the lower abdomen or notice that something is coming out of the vagina. Other common complaints include difficulty urinating or involuntary loss of urine, constipation, and discomfort during intercourse. Fortunately, there are several treatment options, which range from conservative ⁤to ⁤surgical:

    • Physiotherapy: aimed at strengthening the pelvic floor muscles.
    • Pessary: ​ a device that is placed in the vagina and helps support the uterus.
    • Surgery: In more severe cases, surgery may be necessary to correct the prolapse.

Early diagnosis and treatment can significantly help improve quality of life and prevent possible complications.

The common causes of uterine prolapse explained

Uterine prolapse can be caused by a number of factors, with the natural aging processes and events in a woman's life playing a major role. First and foremost, the impact of pregnancy and childbirth is⁤ significant. During childbirth, a lot of pressure is put on the pelvic floor, which can weaken the muscles and tissue. Especially after⁢ multiple deliveries, the risk of prolapse can increase. ⁣In addition, the menopause contributes to an increased risk. Due to the decrease ⁤of the hormone estrogen, the tissue becomes less elastic and strong.

There are also certain lifestyle factors and medical conditions that play a role. Obesity, for example, increases pressure in the abdomen, which in turn puts pressure on the pelvic floor. Furthermore, chronic constipation and prolonged coughing (such as in smokers or people with chronic lung diseases) are also known culprits. However, despite this knowledge, many women experience shame or ignorance about this topic. Below is an overview of the important factors that contribute to uterine prolapse:

Cause Contribution to subsidence
Pregnancy and childbirth High pressure on pelvis during childbirth; slackening of tissues
Menopause Decrease in ⁢estrogen; weakening of tissues
Overweight Increased intra-abdominal pressure
Chronic constipation Long-term increased pressure during bowel movement

So, it’s important to be aware of these risk factors and consider possible preventative measures. Losing weight if needed, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, and treating chronic health conditions can help reduce your risk of uterine prolapse. Ultimately, good education and the right support can make all the difference. While it’s a common problem, there are many ways to reduce its impact on your daily life.

How to recognize a uterine prolapse

Knowing for sure whether you have a uterine prolapse can be tricky, but there are some telltale signs that you shouldn't ignore. Typical symptoms ‌ are a heavy feeling or pressure in the pelvic area,‌ as if you⁣ constantly ‍feel like you⁣ are losing something that is inside. This feeling can be worse when standing for long periods of time or at the end of the day. In addition,⁣ activities such as lifting can increase the pressure even further. Another ⁣ common symptom is having difficulty emptying your bladder or bowels, which ⁣ can lead to frequent ⁣ urinary tract infections or ⁣ constipation.

Listen carefully to your body and pay attention to specific signals. These include regular interruptions while urinating or abnormal back pain that does not seem to go away. Below you will find a handy list of other signals which may indicate a uterine prolapse:

    • Pain during sexual intercourse
    • Unusual ⁢vaginal discharge
    • Visible⁤tissue bulge at ⁤the vaginal ‍opening

If these symptoms sound familiar, it is advisable to make an appointment with a specialist. Early detection can help prevent further complications and start the right treatment in time. In addition, small lifestyle adjustments can already contribute significantly to relieving the symptoms. For more details, you can always contact the midwives of Midwives PuurBegin.

Effective Ways to Deal with Uterine Prolapse

A uterine prolapse can have a significant impact on your daily life, but fortunately there are several ways to manage the symptoms. First of all, it is important to exercise regularly. pelvic floor exercises ⁣ to do. These strengthen the muscles ⁤around ‌your uterus ⁢and thus help to support the prolapse.​ Often ⁣these exercises are taught by⁢ a specialized physiotherapist, so ⁣talking to a professional can certainly help.

In addition, it is ​adjusting ⁤your lifestyle also an effective step in dealing with uterine prolapse. For example, pay attention to:

    • Your diet: Avoid constipation by eating plenty of fiber and drinking enough. This will reduce the pressure on your pelvic floor.
    • Healthy weight: Try to maintain a healthy weight. ​Excess weight ​can put extra pressure on ​your pelvic floor.
    • Lifting: Avoid lifting heavy objects. When lifting, make sure to bend at the knees and use force from your legs instead of your back.

Making these adjustments will not only help you ⁣reduce symptoms, but⁤ it will also help prevent further ⁣prolapse.

Prevention tips to prevent uterine prolapse⁤

Although not all cases of uterine prolapse can be prevented, may take certain measures the risk indeed ‍reduce. ⁣First, it is essential that you a healthy weight maintains. Excess weight puts extra pressure on the pelvic floor, which can lead to ⁤prolapse. A balanced ⁢diet and regular exercise are crucial. In addition, it is ⁤ important ⁣ to ensure sufficient fibres ​ in your diet to avoid constipation and therefore excessive straining during bowel movements.

Furthermore, it is of considerable value to pelvic floor muscles ⁣ to strengthen. This can be done with specific exercises, often taught by a specialized physiotherapist. These exercises not only during and after pregnancy, but also at other times in your life, help to keep the muscles strong and flexible. Correctly performing the technique is crucial and therefore guidance in this is recommended. Below is an overview of some useful exercises:

Excercise Description Duration
Kegel exercises Tighten the pelvic floor muscles and then relax again. 3 sets⁣ of⁤ 10 reps
Bridge Lying on your back, lift your hips off the ground and hold for a moment. 5 times, hold for 10 seconds
Squats Stand up straight, bend your knees⁤ and lower your hips ⁤as if you were going to ‌sit down. 2⁢ sets of 15

Additionally, always consult a medical professional to discuss your specific situation and create a personalized plan. By following these tips, you will reduce your chances of uterine prolapse and improve your overall physical health.


We hope this article has given you some insight into what exactly ⁤uterine prolapse ⁤is, what factors can cause it ⁣and what⁣you can do to manage or prevent the symptoms. Remember that you⁤are not alone. Many women ⁤experience similar issues and there are plenty of options and support available to improve your ⁤quality of life.

At Verloskundigen⁤ PuurBegin we are ready to support you with personal care and advice. Do you have questions or are you worried about uterine prolapse, or do you need more support? Then don't hesitate to contact us. We are here to help you with expert advice and warm care. Together we ensure a PuurBegin, in every phase of your life.

Take good care of yourself and hopefully see you soon at Verloskundigen PuurBegin!

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Midwives PuurBegin
Address: Orkestlaan 148, 8265RC Kampen
Telephone: 085 40 19 095

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