What is Placenta Percreta and Why You Should Know About It
Placenta percreta is a serious and rare condition in which the placenta grows deep into the wall of the uterus and can sometimes even reach other organs, such as the bladder. This can lead to significant complications during delivery, including heavy bleeding that can be dangerous for both mother and baby. It is therefore crucial to recognize this condition early and be well prepared.
In most cases, placenta percreta is diagnosed in advance through a echo. That is why it is important to to comply with all scheduled prenatal checks, so that any abnormalities can be detected early. In addition, treatment may vary depending on the location and severity of the implant. Often, a planned caesarean section necessary and in some cases, the uterus must be removed to control the bleeding. Below is a brief overview of steps that can be taken once the diagnosis is made:
Confirm diagnosis | Echo, MRI |
Discuss risks | With the gynecologist |
Plan the birth | Caesarean section at a safe time |
Post-operative care | Observation and aftercare after the caesarean section |
It is essential that this information is shared and discussed widely, because early recognition of placenta percreta can be life-saving. By being aware of the symptoms and potential complications, you and your healthcare provider can be better prepared for a safe birth. Let's work together to have a safe and healthy pregnancy.
The Signs and Symptoms of Placenta Percreta You Shouldn't Ignore
Severe vaginal bleeding are often one of the first warning signs that something is wrong. They can occur suddenly and are usually not linked to external factors. It is crucial to contact your midwife immediately if you experience this. Bleeding can range from light to very heavy and may be accompanied by pain or cramping.
Furthermore, it is possible that you may experience abnormal abdominal pain, which is often difficult to distinguish from normal pregnancy pain. However, the pain of placenta percreta is characterized by a sudden, sharp and continuous intensity, which does not improve with rest or painkillers. It is important to know that these symptoms can indicate serious complications and require immediate medical attention.
Symptoms | Description | Urgency of care |
Vaginal bleeding | Sudden and intense | High |
Stomach ache | Sharp, continuous, not improving with rest and pain relief (provided that pain relief is continuous, not just once) paracetamol) | High |
The table above gives a clear overview of the severity of the symptoms that may indicate placenta percreta. Please note that ignoring these symptoms can lead to complications that can endanger both the life of the mother and the baby. Therefore, if you experience any of these symptoms during your pregnancy, it is essential to contact a healthcare provider immediately. Together, you can take the necessary steps to ensure the safety and health of both you and your baby.
How Placenta Percreta is Treated and Tips for Recovery
In the treatment of placenta percreta, a multidisciplinary team is ready to ensure optimal care. Normally, a planned caesarean section is performed around 34-36 weeks of pregnancy, often followed by a hysterectomy to prevent heavy blood loss. This means that the uterus is removed, because the placenta has grown so deeply into the uterine wall that separating it during delivery is too risky. In some cases, conservative treatment may be chosen, in which the placenta is left in situ and slowly reabsorbed by the body.
Na de behandeling is het herstel van essentieel belang. Allereerst, zorg voor voldoende rust om lichamelijke herstel te bevorderen. Het is ook belangrijk dat je mentale ondersteuning zoekt, onder andere door gesprekken met een psycholoog of deelname aan lotgenotengroepen. Voeding speelt daarnaast een cruciale rol; zorg voor een voedzaam dieet dat rijk is aan iron en eiwit, om het bloedverlies te compenseren. Tenslotte, als er sprake is van pijn, aarzel niet om dit met je verloskundige te bespreken voor adequate pijnstilling. Hieronder zie je een eenvoudig schema dat sommige basisaspecten van de nazorg illustreert:
Aspect | Recommendation |
Peace | At least 6-8 weeks of limited activity |
Power supply | Rich in iron and proteins |
Pain management | Consult with healthcare provider for appropriate painkillers |
Mental support | Conversations with psychologist or support groups |
As you can see, by working with your healthcare team and following these recommendations, you can create a safe and effective recovery path. Remember that every situation is unique, so always stay in close contact with your healthcare providers to address your specific needs.
We hope you found this article about placenta percreta informative and helpful. At Verloskundigen PuurBegin, we understand how important it is to be wellinformed about thepotential complications during your pregnancy. Please know that you are not alone; our team is here to provide you with the supportand care you need during this specialtime in your life. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us or schedule an appointment. Take care of yourself and see you at PuurBegin, where together we will strive to provide a safe and healthypregnancy experience for you and your baby.
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Midwives PuurBegin
Address: Orkestlaan 148, 8265RC Kampen
Telephone: 085 40 19 095