Midwives PuurBegin in Kampen

Borstontsteking - Verloskundigen PuurBegin in Kampen

Mastitis: What You Need to Know

Welcome to Midwives PuurBegin in Kampen. Today we’re talking about a topic that concerns quite a few mothers: mastitis or as it’s medically called, mastitis. It’s a condition that can occur in breastfeeding mothers and it’s important to know about it, because you can often do something to prevent it or […]

Stuwing - Verloskundigen PuurBegin

What is congestion?

Engorgement, those full and sometimes painful breasts you can experience after giving birth. It’s a sign that your body is working hard to produce breast milk for your little one. Engorgement occurs because more blood and lymph flow to your breasts. This happens whether or not you’re breastfeeding. When […]

Tepelkloven - Verloskundigen PuurBegin

Sore Nipple: A Painful Beginning, But Not the End of Breastfeeding

Tepelkloven, kleine scheurtjes in de tepel, kunnen een onverwachte lastigheid vormen aan het begin van een prachtige periode: de borstvoeding. Als verloskundigen van Verloskundigen PuurBegin in Kampen, begrijpen we hoe cruciaal een goede start is. Pijnlijke tepels hoeven echter geen reden te zijn om te stoppen met borstvoeden. Samen kijken we naar de oorzaken, behandelingen […]

prolactine - Verloskundigen PuurBegin in Kampen

prolactin and breastfeeding

Breastfeeding is a special experience and prolactin plays a key role in this. At Midwives PuurBegin in Kampen we understand how important it is to be well informed about this hormone and its influence on breastfeeding. In this blog we delve deeper into the world of prolactin and answer all your questions. […]

Relaxine - Verloskundigen PuurBegin in Kampen

Relaxin hormone

During pregnancy, a lot happens in your body, and hormones play a crucial role in this. One of those hormones is relaxin. Although it may not be as well-known as other pregnancy hormones, relaxin is essential for a smooth pregnancy and delivery. What is Relaxin? Relaxin is a hormone that is mainly produced by the […]

Hormonen en zwangerschap - Verloskundigen PuurBegin

Hormones and pregnancy

A journey through the hormonal landscape with Midwives PuurBegin in Kampen Welcome to Midwives PuurBegin in Kampen! We would like to take you on a journey of discovery through the wonderful world of hormones during pregnancy. Hormones play a crucial role in every phase, from conception to delivery and the period after. They not only influence […]

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