Midwives PuurBegin in Kampen

Het verschil tussen innestelingsbloeding en menstruatie - Verloskundigen PuurBegin

The difference between implantation bleeding and menstruation

The Difference Between Implantation Bleeding and My Period: What You Need to Know At Midwives PuurBegin, we understand that the early signs of pregnancy can sometimes be confusing. One of the most frequently asked questions is, “Is this implantation bleeding or my period?” Both can cause light bleeding, but there are important differences. In this article, we’ll explain how […]

Remifentanil bij de bevalling - Verloskundigen PuurBegin

Remifentanil during labor

Remifentanil During Labor: What You Need to Know At Verloskundigen PuurBegin, we believe in a labor that suits your wishes and needs. Pain management is an important part of this process, and Remifentanil is one of the options you can consider. But what exactly is Remifentanil? How does it work, and what are the benefits […]

Waarom doet een bevalling pijn - Verloskundigen PuurBegin

Why is childbirth painful?

Why does childbirth hurt? And how do you deal with it as a future parent? A natural process with room for freedom of choice Childbirth is one of the most intense experiences in a woman’s life. Pain is part of it, but why is that? And more importantly: how can you deal with it in a way that […]

Doorslapen Baby - Verloskundigen PuurBegin Kampen

Sleeping through the night baby

As a new parent, you may be wondering when your baby will finally sleep through the night. While babies’ sleep patterns vary widely, there are strategies you can employ to help promote better sleep for both you and your baby. What does “sleeping through the night” mean? Medically speaking, “sleeping through the night” is defined as five to six hours of uninterrupted sleep. […]

Verloskundigen PuurBegin - Voor het zingen de kerk uit 3

Leaving church before singing?

At Midwives PuurBegin in Kampen we believe it is essential to break through misunderstandings about contraception. One topic that is often misunderstood is coitus interruptus, or “getting out of church before the singing”. Although this method has been used for centuries, it is crucial to emphasize: coitus interruptus is not a reliable method of contraception. In this blog we explain […]

Verloskundigen PuurBegin - bloedverlies zwangerschap

Bleeding during pregnancy

Bleeding during pregnancy Bleeding during pregnancy can be quite frightening. We all hope we never have to experience it, but it happens more often than you think. First and foremost, we want to reassure you: not all bleeding is a reason to panic. It is good to know that light bleeding, especially in the early stages […]

Verloskundigen PuurBegin - Placenta Increta

Placenta Increta

All About Placenta Increta: Causes and Risks What⁢ causes placenta increta? This condition occurs when the placenta⁤ grows deeper into the uterine wall than normal,⁣sometimes reaching the muscle and outer membranes. It⁣is ⁣important to know that the exact⁣ cause is often unclear, but several factors can increase⁣the risk. […]

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