Midwives PuurBegin in Kampen

Verloskundigen PuurBegin - Urineretentie na de bevalling

Urinary retention after childbirth?

While you’re enjoying those precious moments with your little one, unexpected ⁢and sometimes annoying physical symptoms⁢can also arise. One ⁢of these, that you may not have heard much about is urinary retention. This simply means that you ⁢have difficulty urinating or⁢can’t urinate at all after giving birth. Don’t worry, you’re not […]

Groepsfoto van Verloskundigen PuurBegin in Kampen

Midwives PuurBegin Kampen

Welcome to Midwives PuurBegin in Kampen! ⁣We‌ are your trusted partner in⁣ personal care during the special journey of pregnancy,‍ childbirth and ⁣maternity period in Kampen. For us, everything revolves around you and your⁢ family: we offer expert⁢ tailor-made guidance⁢, with attention to your wishes⁢ and needs. Whether you are becoming a mother for the first time [...]

Verloskundigen PuurBegin - Tips zwanger worden

Getting pregnant with a little help: Tips and advice

We understand that getting pregnant is not something that comes naturally to everyone. Whether you're just starting to try or have been trying for a while, it can sometimes be quite frustrating if you don't succeed right away. That's why we've put together this guide:‍ “Tips⁢ and‍Advice: Getting Pregnant with A ⁤Little Help”. Here we share practical tips, useful […]

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