Midwives PuurBegin in Kampen

Borstontsteking - Verloskundigen PuurBegin in Kampen

Mastitis: What You Need to Know

Welcome to Midwives PuurBegin in Kampen. Today we are going to talk about a topic that concerns quite a few mothers: mastitis or as it is medically called, mastitis. It is a condition that can occur in breastfeeding mothers and it is important to know about it, because you can often do something to prevent or treat it.

So, what is mastitis? It is an inflammation of the breast tissue, often caused by bacteria. It can be quite a painful experience, with a red, swollen breast and sometimes a fever. But don’t worry, there is help and we at Midwives PuurBegin in Kampen are here to support you.

Causes of mastitis

Why do you get mastitis? Usually it happens when the milk in your breast isn’t completely drained. This can happen if your baby isn’t latching on properly or if your breast doesn’t empty when you feed. Sometimes a blocked milk gland can cause it. Also, if your nipples become cracked or irritated, this can provide an entry point for bacteria.

So, the key factors are:

  • Incomplete emptying of the breast
  • Clogged mammary glands
  • Irritation or sores on the nipples

It is important to know that mastitis is not your fault; it can happen to anyone. But there are things you can do to reduce the chances.

Symptoms to watch out for

How do you know if you have mastitis? Here are some signs you may notice:

  • Your breast is red and swollen.
  • It is more painful than usual, especially when you press on it.
  • You have a fever or feel like you have the flu.
  • There is a spot on your breast that feels harder or a lump.
  • Your nipple may appear different, such as depressed or changed color.

It is important to pay attention if your breast suddenly becomes more painful or looks different. But remember, mastitis is quite common among breastfeeding mothers and it can be treated.

How is it diagnosed?

Usually your midwife or doctor can recognize mastitis by looking and feeling. She will look at your breast for redness and swelling and she will ask you if you have pain or a fever.

Sometimes, if there is pus or if the infection does not respond to antibiotics, a sample may be taken to see which bacteria is the culprit.

So, diagnosis is quite simple and you will have an answer quickly.

Treatment options

Wat doe je als je borstontsteking hebt? Allereerst, bij verdenking van een borstontsteking neem je het beste contact op met je verloskundige. Deze kan eerst beoordelen of er sprake is van een borstontsteking. Is dit het geval? Een inmiddels achterhaald advies van vroeger, is dat warmte juist goed zou zijn. Beperk dan warmtegebruik (dus geen warme straal van de douche op je borsten, ook geen warme kruiken) want een ontsteking veroorzaakt al warmte en dit moet  niet meer worden. Wat je het beste wel kunt doen is pijnstillers als ibuprofen nemen om de pijn en ontsteking te verminderen.

The most important thing is to continue breastfeeding, als dat lukt. Door je borst leeg te maken, help je de ontsteking te verminderen. Als het te pijnlijk is om te voeden, kan je melk afkolven. Ook krijg je waarschijnlijk antibiotica voorgeschreven. Het is belangrijk om die volledig af te maken, zoals voorgeschreven.

En tot slot: er is een misvatting dat je borstvoeding moet stoppen als je borstontsteking hebt. Maar dat is niet zo; je kan doorgaan en je baby kan veilig drinken.

Prevention tips

Prevention is better than cure, right? Here are some tips to prevent mastitis:

  1. Make sure your baby is latching on correctly. If your baby has the nipple and part of the areola in his mouth, that is perfect.
  2. Make sure your breast is completely empty after each feeding. If you still feel milk, you can do some manual stimulation or expressing.
  3. Wear comfortable clothing and avoid tight bras that constrict your chest.
  4. Keep your nipples clean and make sure they don't dry out or crack. You can use nipple cream or balm.
  5. Rest when you can and try to avoid stress, as it can affect your immune system.

It is important to listen to your body and ask for help if you are having a hard time.

When you can call us

We at Midwives PuurBegin in Kampen understand that the postpartum period is an intense period and we want to make sure you feel supported. Here are some times to call us:

  • If your breast is more painful than normal and you suspect mastitis.
  • If you have a fever or feel sick.
  • If you have mastitis and the symptoms do not improve after 24 to 48 hours, despite treatment.
  • If you have any questions or just want to chat.

Our team is here to help you, day and night. You are not alone in this adventure.

Myths about mastitis

There are some myths going around about mastitis. Let's debunk a few:

  1. Myth: Mastitis is your fault.
  2. Truth: No, it is a condition that can happen and it is not your fault. It is important to know that it was not your fault.
  3. Myth: You can no longer breastfeed your baby if you have mastitis.
  4. Truth: On the contrary, by continuing to nurse, you help empty your breast, which can help reduce inflammation. Of course, if it is too painful, you can express.
  5. Myth: Mastitis is rare.
  6. Truth: It is quite common, about 10% of breastfeeding mothers will experience it. It is normal and you can get through it.


Mastitis is a challenge, but with the right knowledge and support, you can overcome it. Remember, you are not alone; we at Midwives PuurBegin are here to help. If you have any questions or concerns, please get in touch.

We believe every mother deserves the best and we are here to make that happen.

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Take care of yourself and your little one!

With kind regards,

Midwives PuurBegin
Address:  Orkestlaan 148, 8265RC Kampen
Telephone: 085 40 19 095

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