Midwives PuurBegin in Kampen

Verloskundigen PuurBegin - Gonorroe tijdens de zwangerschap

Gonorrhea & Pregnancy

Dear parents-to-be, One topic that is unfortunately not discussed as often, but is incredibly important for the health of both mother and baby, is having sexually transmitted infections (STIs), especially gonorrhea. While it may be an uncomfortable topic, it is our mission to provide you with all the information ⁣you need to […]

Verloskundigen PuurBegin - anti-oestrogenen

All about anti-estrogens and pregnancy

What⁤ You‌ Need‌ to‌ Know‌ About‌ Antiestrogens⁤ During‍pregnancy,⁤ many things change in⁤ a woman’s⁤ body, including hormone levels. Antiestrogens, such as clomiphene⁤ and⁣ tamoxifen,⁢ are often discussed⁣ in the context of fertility treatments, but⁢ it’s crucial to understand⁤ how they may interact⁤ with⁤ pregnancy. These⁤ drugs are […]

Verloskundigen PuurBegin - Wat mag je weigeren tijdens de zwangerschap

Pregnant? What you can refuse?

Pregnancy is a special ⁣period‍ full of exciting moments and new experiences. It is a ⁣time in which the ⁣health of you⁢ and your baby comes first. At Verloskundigen PuurBegin we understand that all too well. At the same time, we also understand that every ⁣pregnant woman is unique and that what feels good for one person, may not feel good for another […]

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