Midwives PuurBegin in Kampen

Verloskundigen PuurBegin - GnRH-agonisten

GnRH Agonists: Fewer Hormones, Smaller Fibroids

What Are GnRH Agonists ⁢and How Do They Work GnRH agonists, or gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonists, play a crucial role in treating several hormone-related conditions. These medications simulate the brain’s natural GnRH, which normally stimulates the pituitary gland to produce the sex hormones LH and FSH. However, at high doses, GnRH agonists cause a temporary suppression […]

Verloskundigen PuurBegin - Choriongonadotrofine (hCG)

Why hCG causes pregnancy symptoms!

Why hCG is Important During ⁣Your Pregnancy Human chorionic gonadotropin ‌(hCG) is a⁢ hormone that is essential‍ during⁤ your pregnancy. Because it‍ is produced by the placenta‍ shortly after fertilization,‍ it‍ is‍ an‍ early indicator of pregnancy. Not only does this hormone help confirm pregnancy, but it also plays a crucial role […]

What is ovulation

Have you ever wondered what happens inside your body every month? Well, you're definitely not alone! At Verloskundigen PuurBegin, we love to delve into the wonders of the female body and today we're going to talk about a super important, yet sometimes mysterious process: ovulation. Ovulation is a key word that you often hear […]

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