The 3rd Trimester of Your Pregnancy: A Midwifery Blog PuurBegin
As expectant parents in Kampen, you are undoubtedly eager to meet your little one. The third trimester of your pregnancy is a special time in which preparations for the birth are central. At Midwives PuurBegin in Kampen we understand that this can also be a period in which many questions arise. That is why we have put together this extensive blog to inform and reassure you as best as possible.
What does the 3rd trimester entail?
The third trimester includes the last three months of your pregnancy, from week 28 until delivery. Usually, a woman gives birth between 37 and 42 weeks of pregnancy. During this period, your baby is growing considerably and preparing for birth. Your body is also preparing for delivery and the time afterward.
Hormonal changes
Je lichaam maakt in het derde trimester een aantal belangrijke hormonale veranderingen door. Estradiol zorgt voor veranderingen in je hersenen die de band met je baby versterken en een nesteldrang veroorzaken. Relaxin en oestrogeen versoepelen de weefsels rondom je bekken, waardoor je baby kan indalen. Aan het einde van de zwangerschap daalt het progesterongehalte, terwijl oestrogeen en prostaglandine de baarmoeder voorbereiden op de weeën.
Symptoms during the third trimester
During the third trimester, you may experience a variety of symptoms, including:
- Heartburn: Your baby is pressing against your stomach.
- Kuitkrampen en rusteloze benen: Possibly a magnesium deficiency or poor circulation.
- Slapeloosheid: Frequent urination and difficulty finding a comfortable sleeping position.
- Urineverlies: Relaxed bladder and pelvic floor muscles.
- Retain moisture: Weaker vessel walls.
- Carpaletunnelsyndroom: Painful tingling in your fingers.
Your baby's development
Your baby grows from about 37 cm and 1200 grams to about 50 cm and 3500 grams in the third trimester. Your baby starts storing fat to keep itself warm after birth. Around week 32, your baby is usually lying head down. The lungs and other organs continue to mature and the brain undergoes important development. By the time your baby is born, 60% of the permanent brain connections have already been made.
Third Trimester Checklist
There are a number of things you can do in the third trimester to prepare for labor and the time afterward:
- Buying baby items: Use a checklist to shop efficiently.
- Meer echo’s?: Discuss with your midwife whether additional growth and position scans are necessary.
- Maternity shoot: The best time for a photoshoot is around seven months.
- Arrange maternity package: Make sure you have this at home six weeks before your due date.
- Selecting birth announcements: Start selecting designs and collecting addresses around week 30.
- Rent bobbins: From 37 weeks your bed must be raised with blocks.
- Packing your flight bag: Make sure your bag is ready from 37 weeks.
- Geboorteplan maken: Discuss your wishes with your midwife around week 36.
- Preparing for the maternity period: Stock the freezer with meals, make a maternity plan or take a Dunstan Baby Language course.
- Breastfeeding course: Prepare yourself for breastfeeding with a course.
- Check insurance: Check your car insurance, travel insurance and home contents insurance.
- On babymoon: Enjoy a relaxing holiday with your partner.
What to avoid
There are also a number of things you should avoid in the third trimester:
- Focusing on the due date: Only 4-5% of babies are born on that exact day.
- Focusing on the experiences of others: Surround yourself with honest and positive stories.
- Listening to horror stories about childbirth: This only makes you nervous.
- Schrikken van indalingsweeën: These can occur from week 30, but that does not mean you are going into labor.
- Lang stilstaan en stilzitten: During pregnancy you are more likely to get varicose veins. Regular exercise helps prevent this.
- Walking in heels: This shortens your calf muscles and hamstrings, which affects your pelvic position.
- Planning your agenda: You will need all your energy during and after the birth. Use your leave mainly to rest.
- A koortslip oplopen: If you had a cold sore before pregnancy, it won't do any harm now. Your baby has already received antibodies through the placenta. But if you get infected with the herpes virus for the first time in the six weeks before you give birth, it can be dangerous for your baby.
The fourth trimester
The 'fourth trimester' refers to the first three months after your baby is born. During this period, your baby needs a calm, familiar environment and a lot of closeness to their parents. Co-sleeping and carrying your baby in a sling are common practices. Babies can suffer from colic because their digestive system is not yet fully developed.
Midwives PuurBegin: Your support in Kampen
At Verloskundigen PuurBegin in Kampen we are ready to support you and your partner during the third trimester and the period thereafter. We offer personal guidance, information and practical tips to prepare you as best as possible for the arrival of your child. We understand that every pregnancy is unique and we tailor our care to your individual needs. Feel free to contact us for an introductory meeting.
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Take care of yourself and your little one!
With kind regards,
Midwives PuurBegin
Address: Orkestlaan 148, 8265RC Kampen
Telephone: 085 40 19 095