Midwives PuurBegin in Kampen

Verloskundigen PuurBegin - Serotonine

How serotonin affects your menstrual experience

Today we're diving into a topic that many of you will probably recognize: the menstrual cycle. But did you know that the hormone serotonin plays a major role in this? Serotonin is often known as the 'happiness hormone', because it influences your mood and general well-being. But what many people don't know is how this hormone can also influence your menstrual experience. Do you often feel sad or euphoric during your period? Do you experience a lot of pain or less? This can all have to do with your serotonin levels. Let's take a look at how this works exactly, and how you can perhaps gain more control over how you feel during your cycle. Grab a cup of tea and read along!

What is serotonin and why is it important for your period?

Serotonin, also known as the “happy hormone,” plays a crucial role in your menstrual experience. This neurotransmitter is primarily responsible for regulating your mood, which is why you may feel differently during your menstrual cycle. Serotonin also affects other functions such as sleep and appetite and an imbalance can lead to symptoms such as irritability and fatigue. During the luteal phase of your cycle, serotonin levels often drop, which can contribute to mood swings and feelings of depression.

Your serotonin levels can be affected in several ways. Here are some factors that play a role during your menstrual cycle:

    • Stress: High levels of stress can deplete serotonin, leading to a worse mood.
    • Power supply: A diet high in carbohydrates can increase serotonin, while a diet low in nutrients can decrease it.
    • Movement: Regular physical activity helps maintain your serotonin levels.

In addition, an imbalance in serotonin can lead to premenstrual ⁣syndrome (PMS) and premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDS).‌ This makes it essential to pay attention to your lifestyle and diet so that you can better manage your menstrual cycle.

Factor Influence on serotonin
Stress Decrease
Power supply Rise
Movement Rise

The Role of Serotonin in Mood Swings During Your Cycle

Serotonin plays a crucial role in regulating your mood throughout your menstrual cycle. Changes in serotonin levels ⁢can lead to mood swings and other emotional fluctuations. During ovulation, estrogen and progesterone levels rise, which naturally increases serotonin. However, during the luteal phase, these hormones drop, which can lead to a decrease in serotonin. This partly explains why many women feel emotionally vulnerable or irritable in the days leading up to their period. Some common symptoms of low serotonin during your cycle are:

    • Mood swings
    • Increased ⁤irritability
    • Feelings of anxiety or depressive thoughts

‌ Here ⁤is a quick comparison chart of how serotonin ‌behaves in different phases:

Phase Serotonin level
Follicular Phase Average
Ovulation phase High
Luteal Phase Low

To improve your mood during your cycle, it is helpful to pay extra attention to your serotonin levels, for example by eating a diet rich in tryptophan and exercising regularly.

Tips and tricks to increase your serotonin intake during your period

To increase your serotonin levels during your period, you can use several techniques. First, it is important to pay attention to your diet. Eat foods rich in tryptophan, such as nuts, seeds, cheese and turkey, as tryptophan is the basis for the production of serotonin. In addition, it can be helpful to include complex carbohydrates in your diet, such as whole wheat bread and pasta, as these help stimulate the uptake of tryptophan in the brain.

In addition to paying attention to your diet, there are other ways to increase your serotonin levels. For example, regular exercise, such as walking or yoga, can significantly improve your mood thanks to the release of endorphins. Furthermore, daylight can work wonders, as it supports the natural production of serotonin in your body. Also, don't forget to take good care of yourself and seek relaxation through meditation or a warm bath. Below you will find a handy overview of some tips:

    • Power supply: nuts, seeds, cheese, turkey, whole grains
    • Movement: walking, yoga
    • Daylight: at least 20 minutes outside every day
    • Relaxation: meditation, hot bath
Technology Benefit
Healthy food Increased uptake of tryptophan
Daily⁣ practice Endorphin release
Sufficient daylight Stimulation of serotonin production
Relaxation Improvement of mood


We hope‍ that you now have a better⁣ understanding of how serotonin can impact your period experience. It’s fascinating to see how our bodies work and how something as essential as a neurotransmitter can play such a huge role⁢ in our daily wellbeing, especially during our menstrual cycle.

At Verloskundigen PuurBegin we want you to feel your best, every day of the month. Do you have any questions or would you like more tips on how to naturally support your period? Don't hesitate to contact us. Our midwives are always ready to help and advise you.

Thanks for reading and see you next time!

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Midwives PuurBegin
Address: Orkestlaan 148, 8265RC Kampen
Telephone: 085 40 19 095

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