Midwives PuurBegin in Kampen

Verloskundigen PuurBegin - IUI (Intra-uteriene inseminatie)

IUI (Intrauterine Insemination) Everything you want to know

IUI (Intrauterine Insemination). ⁣You may have heard the term before, or it may be ⁤completely new to you. Either way, ⁤we're here to tell you everything you need to know. In ⁤a world where⁣ fertility issues are becoming a growing issue for more and more people, it's good to know what options are available. ⁤IUI can be an important step on the road to pregnancy. But what does it actually entail? How does it work? And what can you expect during the process?

Two forms‍ of IUI

In the world of intrauterine insemination (IUI) there are two important methods that are often used: the natural cycle IUI and the stimulated cycle IUI. ⁣With the natural cycle IUI, the insemination⁢ is tailored to the own natural ovulation of the woman. ⁣This means that ⁢no hormonal medication is used. The⁢advantage of this is that the process feels natural and that the⁤chance of side effects is small. On the other hand, the chance of success is slightly lower compared to the stimulated cycle IUI.

In the stimulated cycle IUI, hormonal medications are used to to stimulate the ovaries and promote ovulation. This increases the chance of multiple eggs per cycle, which increases the chance of fertilization and‍ pregnancy can increase. Although ⁣this method offers a higher ‍chance of success,⁢ it sometimes comes with some‌ side effects such as stomach ache or mood swings. Below is a clear overview of the pros and cons of both methods:

Method Advantages Cons
Natural cycle IUI
    • No hormonal side effects
    • Natural process
    • Lower chance of success
Stimulated cycle IUI
    • Higher chance of success
    • Possible hormonal side effects
    • Multiple eggs per cycle

IUI: What are the risks⁤ and complications?

There are several IUI risks and complications ‍what to consider. Although the procedure is generally safe, some women may experience mild side effects such as cramping or light bleeding after insemination. There is also a chance of infections by⁢ introducing a catheter into the uterus. Fortunately, these infections are rare because the procedure is often performed under sterile conditions. It is also possible that you may have a sensitivity to the medication used to stimulate ovulation. This can lead to symptoms such as headache, nausea, or bloating.

In addition, multiple pregnancies are mentioned. The use of fertility drugs can cause more than one egg to be fertilized, which increases the chance of a multiple pregnancy.⁤ Below is an overview of some possible complications and their frequency:

Complication Frequency
Mild cramps Often
Infection Rare
Multiple pregnancy Sometimes
Reaction to medication Every now and then

In general, the risks are manageable and most women have a positive experience with IUI. However, it is essential to be well informed and discuss all options and risks with your healthcare provider. Working with a professional team like at Midwives PuurBegin, you can maximize your chances of success and minimize possible complications.

What should you do before the IUI?

At Verloskundigen PuurBegin we prepare you well for your IUI treatment. Before you get started, it is important to to follow the correct steps. First, you will need to make an appointment to visit our clinic to assess your general health. This will be followed by a consultation where we will explain everything about the IUI treatment, including any risks and success rates. Sometimes a blood test or ultrasound may be necessary to check your hormonal status and detect any abnormalities at an early stage. We will always keep your personal situation in mind and tailor our advice accordingly.

Furthermore, there are a number of things you you can do it yourself ⁢for optimal preparation:

    • Maintain a healthy lifestyle ⁤by getting enough sleep and eating a balanced diet.
    • Try to reduce stress through relaxation techniques such as yoga or meditation.
    • Discuss your expectations and any questions you may have with your partner.
    • Avoid alcohol, smoking⁢ and excessive caffeine-intake.
Step Action
1 Make an appointment for a health check
2 Come to the consultation
3 Follow any prescribed tests or examinations

How does IUI work?

The procedure of intrauterine insemination, or IUI for short, usually starts with thorough preparation. First, your doctor will closely monitor your cycle ⁢with ultrasounds and hormone tests. During this phase, fertility drugs may also be prescribed ⁢to stimulate ovulation. Just before the actual insemination, the sperm of the partner or donor treated to concentrate the sperm cells and improve their quality. By making these preparations, we significantly increase the chance of successful fertilization.

On ⁢the day ​of the insemination, you will be asked to come to our practice, where the actual insemination will take place. Once In the treatment room, a fine catheter is carefully inserted through the cervix into the uterus. This procedure is generally quick and virtually painless. After the sperm has been injected, you may lie down for a while to give the sperm cells a chance to do their work. With great care and attention, we guide you through every step of this process, so that you feel as comfortable as possible.

Determining the moment of ovulation⁤ (cycle monitoring)

Determining the​ moment of ovulation is crucial in cycle monitoring, especially if you opt for IUI. Accurately tracking your cycle not only means looking at your period, but also at the signals your body gives you. ‍This can be done using ovulation tests, temperature measurements and ultrasounds. This allows you to determine the optimal time for insemination, which can significantly increase your chances of pregnancy. Monitoring your cycle is both fascinating and educational; you learn a lot about how your body actually functions.

In addition, at Midwives we have PuurBegin ‌ various resources available to help you monitor your cycle. Here are some of the options we offer:

    • Digital ovulation tests
    • Basal body thermometers
    • Ultrasounds performed by specialized obstetricians

In addition, if necessary, we can be supported with a simple monitoring table to keep track of your daily observations:

Day of the cycle Temperature Ovulation test Symptoms
1 36.5°C Negative Period
14 36.8°C Positive Ovulation pain

Sperm sample production

When performing an IUI treatment, it is essential that a high-quality sperm sample is available. How exactly do you achieve this? ‌The production process‍ is less complicated than you might think. First, ⁣the man must be completely relaxed before he starts ⁢producing the sperm sample. It is recommended that he has not ejaculated for at least 2 to 7 days before production, to ensure that the sperm is ⁢optimal. Then, a ⁤man can produce the sperm sample in a separate, designated room⁤ at the clinic, where privacy is guaranteed. There are a few tools to make the⁢conditions perfect:

    • Stimulating material: Magazines or videos can help with stimulation.
    • Sterile cups: These are provided by the clinic to collect the sperm sample.

After production, the sperm sample is carefully handled and prepared for the IUI procedure. Tip: Ensure that the semen sample is delivered to the clinic within one hour of production and preferably kept at body temperature during transport.

Sperm type Quality Shelf life
Normal sperm High Max. ‌1⁣ hour
Frozen sperm Average Unlimited

The insemination

Intrauterine insemination, better known as IUI, is a fertility treatment that involves inserting sperm directly into the uterus. It is a common choice for couples trying to conceive, especially if other methods have not worked. Many people wonder how exactly the process works and what to expect. Midwives PuurBegin we would like to help you with this. Both the procedure and the preparation are important elements of this process.
  • Preparation: The first step is usually hormone treatment to stimulate the ovaries.
  • Choosing sperm: This can be from your partner or from a donor, depending on your situation.
  • Timing: happens at the most fertile time of your cycle.

On the day of the procedure, the sperm is prepared and concentrated. The goal is to use the best sperm. Then, using a flexible catheter, the sperm is gently introduced into the uterus. This may sound intimidating, but many women report that the procedure itself is barely painful. In addition, there is no special aftercare necessary, you can resume your daily activities almost immediately. Results may vary and success depends on several factors such as age and the cause of fertility problems.

Advantages Cons
Minimally invasive Less effective in older women
Relatively painless May require multiple cycles
Fast recovery Can be expensive

What is the chance of success?

The ⁢chance of ⁢success with IUI depends on several factors. First of all, ⁤the age of the woman is an important determinant;⁤ younger women ⁤generally have higher success rates. In addition, the⁣ cause of the fertility problem plays a major role. For example, women with unexplained infertility can have higher ⁣success rates than women with severe tubal or male factor infertility.⁤ But there's more: the quality of the⁣ sperm, the⁤ experience of the⁤ clinic⁤ and even the timing of the insemination⁣ have an influence. In short, the chance of success can ⁣vary and depends on individual circumstances.

To get a better picture, we're sharing some average success rates per attempt below:

Age % Succes
Under 35 years 10-20%
35-40 years 10-15%
40 years and older 5-10%

Furthermore, ‌the chance of success can increase with multiple attempts. ⁢Most couples succeed in conceiving within three to six cycles. But remember: every situation is unique and we are here to guide and support you. Feel free to contact Midwives PuurBegin for personal advice and guidance with your IUI treatment.

When is IUI not performed?

There are circumstances in which treatment cannot continue. For example, if you ⁣ ovulation too early the sperm cannot be inserted in time, which significantly reduces the chance of success. In addition, too low a quality or quantity of sperm can lead to a postponement of the treatment. Medical reasons such as inflammation, infections or other acute health problems can also throw a spanner in the works. In addition, your cycle may be irregular, which causes confusion about the ideal time for insemination. If the follicle measurement shows that the ovary is too large or too small, the treatment can also be cancelled. That is why it is essential to keep a close eye on when your body is ready. The table below provides an overview of the most common reasons why an IUI treatment may not go ahead.

Rode Description
Too ⁣early ovulation Seed cannot be inserted in time
Low seed quality Insufficient seed to successfully fertilize
Health issues Inflammations, infections, etc.
Irregular cycle Difficult to determine the optimal moment

Number of treatments

⁢ It ⁤may vary ⁤per person. ‍ At Midwives PuurBegin we strive to make the process as effective as possible. Most of the time⁤ two to six IUI treatments recommended before⁢ we switch to other methods. But, don't worry! We keep a close eye on your ‍health and adjust it based on your specific needs. During the treatments it is important to pay attention to the following points:

    • Your physical and emotional well-being
    • Your body's response to the medication
    • The quality of the sperm cells

⁣ In addition, we regularly discuss progress with you, so that you always stay informed. We are ready to explore and discuss the best options together.

Therapy Duration Success rate
First treatment 1 month 15-20%
Fifth treatment 1 month 10-15%

Switching to ‌gonadotropins

When considering the switch to gonadotropins, it is important to understand what this treatment entails. *Gonadotropins* are hormones that stimulate the ovaries to mature eggs. This can be useful in IUI, as it increases the chances of successful fertilization. The use of these hormones usually involves a careful schedule of injections and medical check-ups. Although this can be intensive, many clients find it worth it for the increased chance of success.

    • Increases the chance of successful IUI
    • Precise injection schedule
      • Regular medical check-ups

    At Verloskundigen PuurBegin we understand that the transition to a more intensive treatment like gonadotropins can be overwhelming. That’s why our midwives are always there to guide you through every step of the process. We provide detailed information, personalized support, and regular follow-ups to ensure you feel comfortable and confident. Plus, we work with pharmacies and specialists to make the medication easily accessible.

    Step Description
    1 Consultation with midwife
    2 Discuss treatment options
    3 Start gonadotropin injections
    4 Regular ultrasounds and check-ups
    5 IUI procedure

Psychological burden

IUI treatment can be mentally challenging. This is because it comes with a lot of uncertainty, anxiety, and expectations. It is important to take care of your mental health during this time. Many couples find that the emotional burden of IUI can be similar to the physical burden. Seeking Help ‌with a ⁢professional, such as a counselor, can provide valuable support during this‍ stressful time. In addition, open⁣ communication and empathy within the relationship it is crucial to support each other.

To alleviate this, there are several strategies and tools you can employ. Here are a few tips to consider:

    • Mindfulness⁤ and meditation: These ⁢techniques can help ⁤calm your mind and reduce stress.
    • Online support groups: Connecting with others who are going through a similar experience can be a great support.
    • Writing a diary: Keeping track of your emotions and thoughts can be therapeutic.
    • Self-care: Spend time doing things that make you happy and promote relaxation, such as walking⁤ or doing creative activities.

If you find that the process of getting pregnant is becoming too much, you can use these strategies ⁣ to ensure your own well-being. It is also important to remember that you are not alone. The care providers at Verloskundigen ‌PuurBegin are always there to help you through these challenging times.


Hopefully you now have a clear picture of what exactly IUI entails and what to expect from it. At Verloskundigen‌ PuurBegin, we are always here to answer all your questions and guide you through your fertility journey. Whether you want to know more about the procedure, the pros and cons, or just need someone to talk to, we are here for you.

Don't hesitate to contact us.

Good luck and see you soon at Midwives PuurBegin.

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Midwives PuurBegin
Address: Orkestlaan 148, 8265RC Kampen
Telephone: 085 40 19 095

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