Midwives PuurBegin in Kampen

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Can you eat fish during pregnancy? Yes or no?

Being pregnant brings up a lot of questions, especially when it comes to nutrition. Fish is one such product where you have to pay close attention to which types you consume. That is why we often get the question: “Can you eat fish during pregnancy? Is it safe or not?” These questions are completely understandable, you only want the best for you and your growing miracle during this time in your life. Because fish is a topic that often causes confusion, we here at Verloskundigen PuurBegin want to create clarity with reliable information, straight from experts in the field of pregnancy. 

By making conscious choices, you can continue to enjoy the delights the sea has to offer, while taking good care of the health and safety of you and your baby. 

The Benefits of Fish During Pregnancy

Eating fish during pregnancy is recommended because of its high levels of omega-3 fatty acids, which are essential for your baby's brain and vision development. In addition, many types of fish contain vitamin D and calcium, both of which are important for building strong bones and teeth. Also, consuming fish during pregnancy can help reduce the risk of premature birth and supports a healthy birth weight. Do you not like fish or do you not reach the recommended amount? Then it is advisable to take an omega-3 (fish) fatty acid supplement with 250-450 mg DHA every day during your entire pregnancy.

What should you pay attention to when choosing fish?

It is recommended to eat fish twice a week during pregnancy, with one serving of oily fish and the other serving of lean fish. When choosing which type of fish to eat, it is important to consider the following points:

  • Was the fish cooked thoroughly?
    Smoked or raw fish is strongly discouraged, as they can contain bacteria such as listeria. Fish is only safe to eat when it has been heated to over 75 degrees Celsius. The time it takes to heat a piece of fish to this temperature depends on its thickness. 
  • Does the fish contain high or low mercury levels?
    Too much mercury can be harmful. It can build up in the bloodstream and negatively affect the development of your baby’s brain and nervous system. Later in this article, you’ll find a list of fish you can and can’t eat. 
  • Is the fish wild or farmed?
    When buying fish, it is important to check the label to see if the fish was caught in the wild or farmed. Farmed fish can always be recognized by the words 'farmed' or 'aquaculture' on the label. Lower levels of possible harmful substances are found in farmed fish, compared to wild-caught or self-caught fish. To reduce the chance of eating contaminated fish, it is not recommended to eat self-caught or wild fish during pregnancy. 

Overview of which fish you can and cannot eat during pregnancy

To make the above information a little easier, you can find a handy overview below: 

Safe fish species: 

  • Lean fish such as:
    • Fried trout
    • Fish casserole
    • Pangasius
    • Dab
    • Haddock
    • Plaice
    • Plaice fillet
    • Stockfish
    • Tilapia
    • Tongue
    • Lemon sole
    • Whiting
  • Fatty fish such as:
    • Bokking
    • Herring in sauce
    • Canned salmon
    • Salmon (well done)
    • Salmon trout
    • Sour herring
  • Shellfish: 
    • Mussels (in vinegar)
    • Snails

Fish species to avoid during pregnancy:

  • Lean fish such as:
    • Anchovies
    • Bass, pike, shark, devil
    • Bone
    • Redfish
    • Tuna (in oil or in water)
    • Sea Wolf
  • Fatty fish such as: 
    • Smoked mackerel
    • Smoked eel
    • Halibut 
    • Smoked halibut
    • Mackerel in oil
    • Fresh mackerel
    • Eel
    • Poon
    • Canned sardines
    • Fresh sardines
    • Haddock liver
    • Salmon, medium rare
    • Salted herring
  • Shellfish:
    • Calamari
    • Shrimp
    • Shrimp in water, canned
    • Shrimp, dried and salted
    • Calamari
    • Crab
    • Lobster
    • Oysters
    • Chinese mitten crab
    • Mixed seafood

For a current overview We refer you to the website of the Dutch Food and Drug Administration for information on which fish you can and cannot eat during pregnancy. nutrition center or the PregnantHap App.


And that brings us to the end of our article on eating fish during pregnancy. We hope that you are now better informed about which fish is safe and which to avoid. At Verloskundigen PuurBegin, our goal is to make your pregnancy as healthy and enjoyable as possible. Remember that a varied diet is important and that fish can definitely be part of that, provided the right choices are made.

If you have any questions or doubts, always consult your midwife. At PuurBegin we are ready to provide you with tailor-made advice, so that you and your little one can enjoy optimal health. Eating tasty and responsible food during your pregnancy is certainly possible and we are happy to help you make the right choices.

For now: healthy greetings and until next time at Verloskundigen PuurBegin, where your beginning is our passion!

And don't forget, for the most beautiful start of your new adventure, we are at your side with love and professionalism.

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Midwives PuurBegin
Address: Orkestlaan 148, 8265RC Kampen
Telephone: 085 40 19 095

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