One of the crucial elements you should not forget is calcium. This mineral plays a vital role not only in your own health, but also in the development of your baby. In this article, we will dive deeper into the importance of calcium during pregnancy and give you useful tips on how to make sure you get enough. Let's work together to ensure a healthy start for your little one!
Why you really can't do without calcium during pregnancy
Calcium plays a crucial role in your baby's development and has numerous benefits for your health during pregnancy. This is how it helps build the skeleton of your unborn child, which is essential for healthy growth. In addition, calcium ensures that your own bones remain strong, because your body supplies calcium to your baby, which increases your need. This is especially important in the third trimester, when your baby's bones are growing the fastest.
Of course you want to know how to get enough calcium. Here are some food options that are rich in calcium:
- Milk and dairy products such as cheese and yogurt
- Leafy greens such as spinach and kale
- Calcium-fortified products such as some types of breakfast cereals and orange juice
Additionally, if you find that you are not getting enough calcium from your diet, a supplement may be helpful. However, always consult with us as your midwife first to determine the right dosage and type of supplement.
Reducing the risk of preeclampsia
From Strong Bones to a Healthy Heart: The Superpowers of Calcium
Calcium plays a crucial role in the development of the unborn child and the health of the mother. During pregnancy, the needs are significantly increased, because calcium is not only essential for building a strong skeleton for the baby, but also vital for the functioning of the nervous system and muscles, including the heart. In addition, calcium helps with blood clotting and supports efficient signal transmission in the nervous system.
That's why it's important for expectant mothers to get enough of this mineral. Good sources of calcium include:
- Dairy products: such as milk, cheese and yoghurt
- Green leaf vegetables: such as kale and spinach
- Nuts and seeds: almonds and sesame seeds are excellent choices
In case of calcium deficiency during pregnancy, both the mother and the baby can experience various health problems. This can lead to pregnancy complications such as hypertension and preeclampsia and later to a greater risk of osteoporosis in the mother. Therefore, we advise pregnant women to pay close attention to their calcium intake and, if necessary, to use supplements after consulting their midwife.
Tips to boost your calcium intake without paying through the nose for supplements
A healthy calcium intake is crucial during pregnancy, but it doesn’t have to be expensive. Here are some practical ways to get more calcium without spending a fortune on supplements. First and foremost, consider adding calcium-rich foods to your diet. Dairy products like milk, cheese, and yogurt are excellent sources, but there are plenty of plant-based options too. Green leafy vegetables like kale and broccoli also contain a decent amount of calcium. Plus, these veggies are not only good for your calcium intake, but also for your overall health.
Additionally, you can also consider enriched products. Many plant-based milks, such as almond milk and soy milk, are enriched with calcium. Make sure you choose unsweetened varieties to avoid added sugars. Below is a handy table of some affordable and calcium-rich foods that are easy to find and incorporate into your daily meals:
Foodstuff | Calcium (mg per serving) |
Broccoli (cooked, 1 cup) | 62 |
Almond milk (enriched, 1 cup) | 300-450 |
Tofu (hard, 100g) | 350 |
Beans (white, cooked, 1 cup) | 191 |
Try these options and pay attention to how you incorporate them into your daily meals. For example, you could make a tasty smoothie with fortified almond milk or toss tofu into your salad. These small tweaks can have big benefits for you and your baby without emptying your wallet. Remember, a little creativity can go a long way in maintaining a healthy pregnancy.
Thank you for reading our article on the importance of calcium during pregnancy. We hope that you now have a better understanding of why this mineral is so essential for both your health and your baby's development. Remember, a balanced diet with enough calcium will go a long way and sometimes a supplement may be necessary. If you have any questions or would like personal advice, please do not hesitate to contact us or consult your midwife. At Verloskundigen PuurBegin we are here to support you every step of the way during this special time. Take good care of yourself!
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