Engorgement, those full and sometimes painful breasts you can experience after giving birth. It's a sign that your body is working hard to produce breast milk for your little one. Engorgement occurs because more blood and lymph flow to your breasts. This happens regardless of whether you breastfeeding gives or doesn't.
When does engorgement start?
Usually engorgement starts about 3 days after delivery. Fortunately, the pain and discomfort often subside after the fourth day.
Symptoms of engorgement
Your breasts feel hard, warm and painful. They may be swollen, sometimes even into your armpit. The skin of your breasts may be tight and shiny. Some women also experience a slight increase in the temperature.
What can you do about congestion?
The best way to relieve engorgement is to feed your baby on demand. This not only helps to relieve the tension in your breasts, but also stimulates the milk production and relieves discomfort. We advise you to feed your baby 10 to 12 times a day.
Other tips to relieve engorgement:
- Pumping: Express a little milk by hand to relieve tension.
- The right bra: Wear a well-fitting, non-wired bra that supports your breasts without pinching.
- Cooling: Cool your breasts after feeding with a cold pack. Make sure they are warm again for the next feeding.
- Hot shower: A warm shower can help your milk flow, but avoid directing the stream directly onto your breasts.
- Wash your breasts with water only: Do not use soap, as this can dry out the skin.
- Let the milk dry: After feeding, let the milk air dry. This forms a protective layer.
What if your baby has trouble latching on?
If your breasts are very full, it can be difficult for your baby to latch on. First express a little milk by hand, so that the tension is reduced and your baby can latch on better. The midwives of Verloskundigen PuurBegin can help you with this.
Reverse Pressure Softening (RPS)
If pumping doesn't help, you can Reverse Pressure Softening (RPS). This is a special pressure technique where you use your fingers to push excess lymph fluid back into the breast. Press the areola just around the nipple with bent fingertips (nails trimmed short) of both hands at the same time. Hold the pressure for one to three minutes. Repeat this until the areola is soft. Then let your baby drink immediately.
Engorgement without breastfeeding
Even if you are not breastfeeding, you may experience engorgement. This is due to hormonal changes in your body. In this case, wear a tight bra and avoid stimulating milk production. The engorgement will subside within a few days.
Apple syrup and cottage cheese
- Apple syrup: Put 1.5 tablespoons of apple syrup in a sandwich bag, tie it shut and put it in the freezer. Wrap a hydrophilic washcloth around it and place it on your breasts.
- Low-fat cottage cheese: Spread a layer of (organic) low-fat cottage cheese on your breasts (excluding the nipple). Leave it for 10 to 15 minutes and then carefully remove it with a wet cloth. Do not use this method if you are allergic to dairy.
When should you worry?
Contact your midwife, lactation consultant or GP if you are unsure whether you should mastitis have. This is important to treat quickly.
Midwives PuurBegin are ready for you
We hope these tips help you to relieve your engorgement. Remember that it is a temporary discomfort that will pass. Do you have any questions or concerns? Please do not hesitate to contact us. Together we can ensure that you have a pleasant postpartum period. As midwives in Kampen, we, from Midwives PuurBegin, are always there for you.
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Take care of yourself and your little one!
With kind regards,
Midwives PuurBegin
Address: Orkestlaan 148, 8265RC Kampen
Telephone: 085 40 19 095