Midwives PuurBegin in Kampen

Verloskundigen PuurBegin - Voedingssupplementen en kruiden

This is how you use nutritional supplements and herbs during pregnancy!

You've probably heard that some supplements and herbs can support your health and that of your baby, but what exactly are they? ‍And how do you use them safely? No problem! In this article we take you through the world of nutritional supplements and herbs during pregnancy. This way you know exactly what is and is not possible and you can enjoy this special time without any worries. Let's make that leap together to a healthy, happy pregnancy!

Why nutritional supplements and herbs during pregnancy?

Being pregnant is a magical time full of expectations and worries. You want the very best for your baby, so it's understandable that you're curious about nutritional supplements and herbs. Dietary supplements as folic acid, iron and omega-3 fatty acids can be a valuable addition to your regular diet. Folic acid, for example, helps reduce the risk of neural tube defects such as spina bifida. Omega-3 fatty acids support your baby's brain development. ‍Not sure which supplements you⁣ need? Always discuss this with your midwife for professional advice.

Herbs can also play a role in your diet, but caution is advised. Some herbs such as ginger and chamomile may be helpful pregnancy ailments such as nausea and insomnia. However, not all herbs are safe during pregnancy. For example, sage and aloe vera can be harmful. To help you get started, we have created a small overview:

Herb Suitable or Avoid?
Ginger Suitable
Chamomile Suitable
Sage To avoid
Aloe Vera To avoid

If in doubt or if you have any questions, always consult your midwife or another health professional. The well-being of you and your baby is of the utmost importance!

The best supplements for pregnant women

Pregnancy is a crucial period in which good nutrition is necessary. Although a healthy and varied diet forms the basis, some supplements can provide additional support. ⁤Important supplements include:

    • Folic acid: Prevents congenital defects such as spina bifida.
    • Iron: Supports the production of extra blood for both mother and baby.
    • Vitamin D: Promotes the development of strong bones and the baby's immune system.
    • Omega-3 fatty acids: Help with baby's brain development.

In addition, there are also herbs that can have a positive effect. For example, consider:

    • Ginger: Helps against morning sickness.
    • Raspberry leaf: Can strengthen the uterus in the run-up to childbirth.
    • Currency: ⁣Relieves stomach upset and bloating.
Supplement Benefit
Folic acid Prevents congenital defects
Vitamin D Strengthened immune system
Omega-3 Supports brain development

At Midwives PuurBegin we recommend that you always consult your midwife before starting supplements or herbs. After all, every pregnancy is unique and requires tailor-made solutions.

Safe herbs to use during pregnancy

Pregnancy is a beautiful, but sometimes challenging⁢ time. That's why it's important to safety precautions when it comes to ⁤using ⁤herbs ⁣and nutritional supplements. There are several herbs ⁣that are considered safe‌ during pregnancy. For example, ginger is known for its ability to reduce nausea. Moreover, ⁢ raspberry leaf ‌help ‌strengthen the uterine muscles. But, make sure that you always use these herbs in moderation and always consult your midwife first. In addition, there are herbs that you should absolutely avoid during pregnancy. One of these herbs⁣ is aloe vera, which can stimulate contractions. You also have to rosemary avoid in large quantities because it has a potential miscarriage can cause. Here is ⁣a short table to present this information in an organized form:


Herb To use? Notes
Ginger Yes Helps against morning sickness
Raspberry leaf Yes Strengthens uterine muscles
Aloe vera No Can cause contractions
Rosemary No Risk of miscarriage in large quantities

What to avoid:‍ risks and side effects

Although nutritional supplements and herbs can help you during pregnancy, you need to be very careful. Some herbs and supplements can be harmful to you and your baby. Here ⁣is ⁣a ⁣short ⁣list of what to avoid:

    • Vitamin A: ‌ In high doses this can lead to birth defects.
    • St. John's wort: This can affect other medications and cause mood swings.
    • Certain essential oils: These can cause problems in the first trimester.

In addition, some herbs‍can cause bleeding or other serious side effects.⁣ To have a good overview, here is a‌ table with some examples:

Herb Risks
Ephedra High bloodpressure, ⁣heart problems
Ginkgo Biloba Bleeding, allergic reactions

Using these substances can do more harm than good. If you have any doubts, always consult your midwife to be able to enjoy your pregnancy safely.

Dosage ⁣and ⁢timing: Amount and when to take

When it comes to taking nutritional supplements and herbs during pregnancy, it is important to adhere to the correct dosage and timing. You don't want to take too much or too little, as this can affect you and your baby. Vitamin D for example, it is best to take it in the morning together with some healthy fat, such as an avocado or nuts, for optimal absorption.

    • Folic acid: 400-600 mcg every day, preferably during a meal
    • Iron: Take 30 mg per day, preferably with a glass of orange juice for better absorption
    • Omega-3: 200-300 mg DHA per day, with a meal to prevent nausea

It can also be useful to keep a schedule so that you know exactly what to take and when. This prevents confusion and ensures that you do not forget your regular intakes. Here is an example of a schedule:

Supplement Morning Afternoon Evening
Vitamin D
Folic acid

Using⁤the above tips will help you ensure that you're getting the most out of your supplements! Plus, you'll feel confident and well-prepared during your pregnancy.


Thank you for taking the time to read our article on using nutritional supplements and herbs during pregnancy! At Midwives PuurBegin we are always ready to support you during this special period of your life.

We hope you now have a better understanding of what is and is not safe when it comes to supplements and herbs. Always remember that every pregnancy is unique and what works for one person may not necessarily work for you. That's why it's so important to seek advice from an expert, such as your midwife.

If you have any questions or need personal advice, please do not hesitate to contact us. Our doors are always open to you and we are happy to guide you step by step towards a healthy and happy pregnancy.

See you soon!

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Midwives PuurBegin
Address: Orkestlaan 148, 8265RC Kampen
Telephone: 085 40 19 095

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